PL 121.11
New York Penal Law § 121.11 Criminal obstruction of breathing or blood
A person is guilty of criminal obstruction of breathing or blood
circulation when, with intent to impede the normal breathing or
circulation of the blood of another person, he or she:
a. applies pressure on the throat or neck of such person; or
b. blocks the nose or mouth of such person.
Criminal obstruction of breathing or blood circulation is a class A
In New York, if someone accuses you of strangling them, you can be charged with a misdemeanor for criminal obstruction of breathing, or a felony for strangulation in the second degree (PL 121.12) or first degree (PL 121.13). We defend strangulation cases in New York City criminal court and you can read more about strangulation legal issues here. If you've been arrested or you are going to be arrested for something that happened in New York City, please contact us today.