Case dismissed for client who allegedly hit a kid on bicycle and drove off (Manhattan)
Lance’s client was driving down a narrow Manhattan street and came into contact with bicyclist who allegedly fell down. Our client allegedly drove off and was arrested several weeks later and gave a full statement to the police. The bicyclist suffered severe physical injury and had surgery to repair damage to his leg and shoulder. Our client faced up to 4 years in prison despite it being our client’s first arrest. Case proceeded to a jury trial where important issues came up over what our client would have heard, seen, or otherwise knew at the time of the alleged impact. The government called two doctors to the witness stand in addition to other experts. On cross examination, Lance successfully raised doubt about the diagnosis of a fractured knee and the need for some of the treatments. Lance obtained hundreds of pages of deposition testimony that helped us question the victim’s honesty and intentions on the day of the accident. After over a week of trial, the jury came back with a verdict. We won – case dismissed, no criminal record.