Case dismissed for licensed professional accused for forcible touching (Manhattan)
Our client was arrested for allegedly touching another person’s sexual or intimate parts inside a subway car. According to the police, this was not our client’s first time. After he was arrested and charged with forcible touching, PL 130.52, a class A misdemeanor carrying up to a year in jail, he came to see us for a case evaluation. Our client initially ended up with a different attorney but became dissatisfied with how things were going and enlisted our help. We obtained the file from the former attorney and took immediate steps to maintain our client’s innocence. We litigated for the next few months and then negotiate a deal with the prosecutor. Because our client’s main concern was keeping his professional license, this became our main concern too. We negotiated a deal that would allow that to happen by having our client only plead guilty to a non-criminal violation while having the criminal charges dropped. There was no jail, no probation, and no sex offender program. Our client had to complete some private counseling.