Case Results
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Leaving the scene (hit and run)
Other felonies (such as rape, burglary, robbery, unlawful surveilance)
Attempted Murder
Attemted Murder During a Shooting (Manhattan)
Attempted Murder and Assault in the 1st Degree
Lance's client was arrested following a shooting witnessed by several bystanders as well as the alleged vicitm. A gun was found nearby and video surveilance showed the perpetrator arriving at the scene, firing his gun, dropping it in a place where it was later recovered by NYPD, and fleeing. Client faced decades in prison considering the numerous felony charges eached carried significant prison time. When confronted by DNA, fingerprints, and video surveilance, Lance acted quickly to challenge the forensices and offer compelling reasons for the court to be lenient including significant mitigating circumstances weighing in favor of our client. Case ultimately resolved with a plea to a reduction of the total charges and a reduced sentence.
Felony Subway Assault Charges Dismissed (Manhattan)
Attempted Murder and Assault 1st Degree (Manhattan)
Case dismissed, record sealed
Burglary and Assault inside an Upscale Midtown Hotel case dismissed
Assault in the First Degree with Knife dismissed after long court battle (Manhattan)
Felony Assault on a police officer in Brooklyn resolved with a violation, no criminal record, no jail, no probation
Criminal Possession of a Weapon
Illegal Knife at the Airport (Queens) Case Dismissed, Client didn't have to come to Court
A businessperson was traveling internationally and going home when TSA found a knife in his carryon luggage. He was arrested, fingerprinted, photographed, and given a desk appearance ticket. After returning to his country, he found Lance Fletcher online and called. Lance Fletcher appeared for him in court, saving our client a difficult trip back to the US (and potential immigration problems due to the arrest) and worked out everything in court. Lance Fletcher made a deal with the judge to have client's case dismissed, no conviction, no community service, no fines.
Domestic Violence
No criminal record, no jail, no probation following domestic aggravated harassment arrest (Manhattan)
Client arrested for assaulting the mother of his child in Manhattan
Aggravated harassment case in queens dismissed
Domestic violence assault on video dismissed in Manhattan
No jail, no probation following assault of wife
Domestic assault charges dismissed in Manhattan
No criminal record and no jail after domestic violence assault and broken bone (Manhattan)
Domestic violence assault with broken bones and surgery resolved with no jail (Manhattan Supreme Court)
Domestic violence imprisonment and assault in Queens resolved with criminal charges dropped
Domestic violence assault in Queens after marriage problems
Domestic Violence cross complaint dismissed in Brooklyn
Domestic violence assault and strangulation criminal charges dropped in Manhattan
Domestic violence charged over a broken cellphone in Brooklyn dismissed
Domestic violence menacing with a gun dismissed in Brooklyn
All domestic violence charges against a celebrity client of ours dismissed in Queens
Licensed professional charged with felony domestic violence assault has case dismissed in Manhattan
Domestic violence rampage in Queens with property damage and assault eventually dismissed
Domestic violence assault allegations dismissed in Manhattan
Domestic harassment charges for threats to kill dismissed (Manhattan)
Professional with prior arrest record arrestedfor domestic violence gets case completely dismissed
Criminal Charges in Domestic Violence case Involving a Knife Dropped in Queens
Domestic violence assault by both our client and our client’s brother against our client’s ex girlfriend ultimately dismissed (Brooklyn)
Misdemeanor domestic assault charges reduced to a violation in Queens
No criminal record after our client arrestedfor assaultingour client’s wife in Manhattan
Domestic Assault and prior arrest resolved with a non-criminal violation (Manhattan)
Domestic violence criminal charges dismissed in the Bronx
Assault and a Rape charge threatened in Manhattan but entire case later dismissed
Domestic violence theft charges dismissed (Manhattan)
Case dismissed after theft arrest in Brooklyn
Client arrested for forged license plates (Bronx)
Lance's Client was arrested for driving a car with a temp tag that looked suspicious to a passing police car because NYPD is on the lookout for forged temp plates which are becoming increasingly popular way to dodge new traffic camera enforcement and expensive tolls. Our client contacted us prior to his return date on his desk appearance ticket and Lance Fletcher was able to get the case dismissed due to a procedural error committed by the police and prosecutor. All charged dismissed.
Theft charges dismissed (Manhattan)
Theft charges dismissed before court date in Manhattan
Felony theft charges lowered (Manhattan)
Theft charges for stealing packages dismissed (Manhattan)
Theft charges for taking merchandise from a business dismissed (Manhattan)
Possession of stolen property charges dismissed (Manhattan)
Charges dismissed in stolen property from JFK airport case (Queens)
Theft charges dismissed for employee stealing from employer
Theft charges dismissed for theft of passenger’s property at NYC airport
Manhattan possession of stolen property charges dismissed
Shoplifting →
Theft of Services
Theft of services (Taxi) case dismissed in Brooklyn
Theft of services (taxi) dismissed in Manhattan
Theft of services case dismissed in Queens
Financial services professional, arrestedfor theft of services (taxi) gets case dismissed (Manhattan)
Theft of service (taxi) case dismissed in Red Hook Brooklyn
Resisting arrest and theft of services (taxi) case dismissed in Manhattan
Theft of services (nightclub) warrant dismissed in Manhattan
Possession of Stolen Property
Possession of stolen property sold on Ebay investigation dropped
Possession of stolen property case dismissed in Brooklyn
Queens stolen property case dismissed
Grand Larceny (Felony Theft)
Over 11k stolen (Manhattan); Small fine, no criminal record, no jail, no probation
Grand Larceny in Nassau Supreme Court (Long Island) resolved with community service and no criminal record
Grand larceny of $10,000 stolen jewelry felony charges dismissed, no jail
Grand Larceny in Brooklyn dismissed
Grand larceny charges (for over $6000) dismissed in Manhattan
Grand larceny resolved in Queens with no jail, no felony
Grand larceny embezzlement charges dismissed in Queens
Criminal charges dropped in grand larcenyfrom employer (Manhattan)
Grand Larceny in Queens Supreme Court resolved with no criminal record
Grand larceny investigation into stolen car successfully closed in Queens
Attempted grand larceny charges dismissed in press case (Manhattan)
Felony shoplifting charges dismissed in Manhattan
Licensed professional, charged with grand larceny, gets deal to have criminal charges dropped
No jailafter $13,000 grand larcenyin Manhattan and then a second theft case
Grand larceny in the second degree for stealing over $50,000 resolved with no jail no felony conviction
Felony shoplifting charges for $5,000 of merchandise dismissed
No jail, no criminal record for felony shoplifting of over $11,000 of merchandise (Manhattan)
Felony grand larceny charges dropped in Brooklyn embezzlement
No jail for grand larceny for over $160,000
Other Felonies
Burglary Dismissed after Trial (Manhattan)
Rape 1st Degree in Brooklyn Supreme Court dismissed
Drug Sale Felony in Manhattan worked out with no jail, no probation, no felony
Major Marijuana Operation - Manhattan
High-speed Chase Following an Alleged Burglary in Brooklyn. Probation, no jail.
Felony Computer Crimes, Client faced over 100 years in prison (Manhattan)
Unlawful video surveillance (upskirt) in a subway train (Manhattan)
Felony and misdemeanor charges dismissed, no criminal record
Burglary case knocked down to disorderly conduct (Manhattan)
Burglary case dismissed in Brooklyn
Burglary case resolved with no criminal record in Brooklyn
Second degree robbery worked out with misdemeanor and 60 days jailin Brooklyn
First degree Robbery, First Degree Burglary ends with no jail, no criminal conviction in Manhattan
Robbery in the second degree charges dropped in Brooklyn
Leaving the Scene (Hit and Run)
Leaving the scene of an accident causing physical injury dismissed (Manhattan)
Case dismissed for client who allegedly hit a kid on bicycle and drove off (Manhattan)
Professional, charged with leaving the scene of accident (VTL 600), gets no-criminal record outcome
Leaving the scene of accident with bicycle dismissed in Manhattan
Leaving the scene of an accident charges dropped in Queens
Leaving the Scene of an Accident in Manhattan Charges dropped
Misdemeanor charges dismissed in Manhattan bicycle hit and run
Driver, IT professional, hits girl in Manhattan outside of nightclub, case dismissed
Brooklyn Investigation into deadly hit and run halted without arrest
City employee in hit and run in the Bronx, case dismissed
Hit and run where driver hit police agent dismissed in Manhattan
Hit and run charges dismissed in the Bronx
Lewdness / Exposure
Grand Central Lewdness case dismissed in Manhattan
Lewdness / Exposure case from Grand Central resolved with no criminal record
Arrest in Grand Central bathroom case dismissed
Grand Central bathroom lewdness dismissed
Grand Central lewdness misdemeanor dismissed
Grand central Exposure / lewdness charges dismissed for licensed professional
Grand central Exposure / lewdness charges dismissed for professional
Grand central Exposure / lewdness charges dismissed for businessman living in another state
Penn Station Exposure / lewdness charges dismissed for medial professional
Penn Station Exposure / lewdness charges dismissed for college student
Penn Station Exposure / lewdness charges dismissed for business consultant
Penn Station Exposure / lewdness charges dismissed for international student
Penn Station Exposure / lewdness charges dismissed for businessman
Penn Station Exposure / lewdness charges dismissed for traveling business professional
Central Park Exposure / lewdness charges dismissed for business executive
Central Park Exposure / lewdness charges dismissed
Central Park Exposure / lewdness charges dismissed for client with security clearance
Manhattan Central Park Exposure / lewdness charges dismissed
Manhattan Central Park lewdness, exposure charges dismissed
Lewdness and exposure in a subway station charges dismissed for licensed professional (Manhattan)
Lewdness in the subway case dismissed for engineering professional (Manhattan)
Lewdness in the subway charges dropped and lowered down to non-criminal violation (Manhattan)
Forcible touching charges dropped for business professional (Manhattan)
Case dismissed for non-citizen client charged for forcible touching (Manhattan)
Case dismissed for licensed professional accused for forcible touching (Manhattan)
Case dismissed for tourist visiting NYC and accused for forcible touching (Manhattan)
No jailin subway forcible touching in Manhattan
Forcible touching in a nightclub case dismissed for financial professional (Manhattan)
Forcible touching at Rockefeller center case dismissed for military officer (Manhattan)
All criminal charges dropped for tourist found with illegal gun (Manhattan)
Case dismissed for gun case in Brooklyn
No jailin Queens gun case
Loaded firearm in Client’s personal bag; Probation, no jail (Manhattan)
Rape charges dropped for Manhattan businessman
Rape investigation halted in Manhattan
DWI / DUI (click here to visit our main DWI site)
Manhattan - A client was arrested for Driving While Intoxicated with a blood alcohol level of over 0.18 and charged with a misdemeanor which would have created a criminal record - All criminal charges were dismissed
Westchester - Client was arrested for Driving While Intoxicated at 3am following New Year's Eve and as he was driving from Manhattan - With a blood alcohol level of over 0.19, he was charged with aggravated DWI - a charge which was eventually dropped
Manhattan - After being arrested for Driving While Intoxicated and possessing a marijuana cigarette, I successfully convinced the prosecutor to dismiss all criminal charges on the first court appearance
Brooklyn – Client arrested after client's car observed off road, in city park – Client had several open containers in car – All criminal charges dropped
Queens – Client observed asleep in car – later blew over 0.14 – fought with arresting officer – All criminal charges dropped
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