Desk Appearance Ticket Results
The following is a small sample of our desk appearance ticket defense results.
Shoplifting (PL 155.25, 165.40) - Client was arrested for shoplifting over $900 worth of merchandise -Case dismissed
Gravity Knife (PL 265.01) - Client was carrying what he thought was a legal knife but turned out to be an illegal gravity knife and charged with criminal possession of a weapon - Case dismissed
Theft of Services (PL 165.15) - Client, a licensed professional, accused of not paying taxicab fare - Case dismissed
Cocaine Possession (PL 220.03) - Client, a student living in a foreign country, was arrested for possession of cocaine while visiting NYC - Case dismissed and fully resolved and client excused for personally appearing in court
Marijuana (PL 221.10, 221.05) - Client, a teacher, was accused of possessing marijuana - case dismissed and expedited sealing - this case presented a challenged because client was unable to work until the charges were cleared - Case dismissed
Assault (PL 120.00) - Client was accused of an assault in a subway train - Case dismissed
Aggravated Harassment (PL 240.30) - Client was arrested for harassment consisting of threats, phone calls, emails, and text messages - case dismissed
Leaving the Scene of an Accident (VTL 600) - Client arrested for leaving scene of accident when his truck hit a pedestrian - case dismissed
Driving with a Suspended License (VTL 511, 509) - Client had over 5 suspensions and confessed to the arresting officer - Criminal charges dropped, small fine
Shoplifting - Client left without paying for two sweaters that were hidden in client's purse - Case dismissed
Marijuana (P.L. 221.20, 221.05) - Manhattan - Marijuana cigarette recovered from client's hand - Client in the process of being naturalized - All case dismissed
Controlled Substance (PL 220.03) - Client, a licensed professional, was arrested for possessing a prescription for which she didn't have a valid prescription - Case dismissed
Assault (P.L. 120.00) - Brooklyn - Client was pushed into another person and charged with assault - Successfully avoided case being filed in court
Theft of Services (PL 165.15) - Client was issued an Appearance Ticket after not paying for a table and several bottles of liquor at a prestigious night club - Case dismissed
Shoplifting – Clothing valued at $120.00 recovered from client's hand after exiting store – Client was not a citizen - Case dismissed
Driving w/ Suspended License (VTL 511, 509) - Manhattan - Client was not only suspended but had no NY license - Criminal charges dismissed, small fine
Assault (PL 120.00) - Client arrested for assaulting a stranger on a sidewalk as he left a restaurant in the financial district - Criminal charges dismissed, no criminal record, small fine and brief anger counseling
Marijuana (P.L. 221.20, 221.05) - Client found with marijuana cigarette and stash of marijuana in a box while going to a concert at Madison Square Garden - client had sensitive security related job - case dismissed
Aggravated Harassment (P.L. 240.30) - client accused of harassing former boyfriend- Successfully avoided case ever being filed in court, all records sealed
Fake ID (PL 170.20) - Client was arrested for having a fake drivers license which made him appear to be over 21 - Case dismissed
Trespassing (P.L. 140.15) - Client was arrested for entering a closed building to take pictures from the roof - Criminal charges dismissed, small fine
Subway Offense,Petit Larceny (PL 155.25) - Client was issued a Desk Appearance Ticket for using someone else's senior metrocard - Case dismissed
Shoplifting (PL 155.25) – Client charged with leaving a store with over $1,000.00 of merchandise – Criminal charges dropped, small fine
Subway Offense, Petit Larceny (PL 155.25) Client issued a Desk Appearance Ticket for jumping over the turnstile and faced criminal charges - Case dismissed
Reckless Driving (VTL 1212) - Client arrested for reckless driving involving speeds in excess of 100mph - Criminal charges dismissed, small fine
The above case results are just a small sample as we have successfully defended hundreds of Desk Appearance Tickets. View client testimonials here.