New York City Civil Demands / NYC Forfeitures Attorney
Do you have an upcoming court date in NYC? Contact us (212) 619-3900
Civil Demands: When conduct allegedly violates a criminal law, it may also violate a civil law. Whereas the concern in criminal law is protecting your freedom and avoiding criminal punishment, civil suits are designed to exact a financial penalty. Occasionally, you may be asked to pay for damages under threat of being sued civilly. This is a civil demand. Whether you pay it or not depends, in part, on how your criminal case is handled. Handling your criminal case properly is the first step to reduce the risk of a civil suit. In shoplifting cases, a store may demand up to five times the value of the merchandise allegedly stolen. Sometimes, you may be tricked into believing that if you pay, they won't press charges. Contact us for a Evaluation and confidential case evaluation to learn how we can help you resolve a civil demand.

Was over $30,000 of your property taken in NYC? Forfeiture Actions: Along with the risk of incarceration, probation, fines, immigration consequences, and other criminal penalties, the government may attempt to take property used in the commission of the charged offense. This forfeiture action may occur simultaneous or after the criminal case. The government can aggressively pursue these actions as they generate a source of revenue for a badly stretched budget. Whether your property (car, house, bank account, etc.) has been seized as part of a state or federal case, contact us to explore ways to keep what should be rightfully yours if the value of your property is greater than $30,000