New York City Criminal Defense Attorney - Stalking / Harassment Cases
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Harassment (P.L. 240.26)
Generally, harassment has to do with unwanted conduct intended to harass, annoy, threaten, or alarm someone. This can occur via telephone, email, text, voicemail, or any other means of communication. Interestingly, harassment, in New York, can either be physical or non-physical even though it is generally thought of as based on non-physical conduct. The physical version of harassment under 240.26 (see the assault page) can either be committed in the course of an assault or the result of an assault that does not produce injury. Aggravated Harassment, under 240.30 of the penal law, can be based on a shove, strike, kick, or other physical contact due to certain intolerance or bigotry.
Contact a qualified New York City criminal defense lawyer immediately if you have been accused of stalking. New York City Criminal Defense Attorney Lance Fletcher can offer clients unparalleled representation. His experiences as a former prosecutor has proven to be invaluable when defending stalking cases and he is prepared to represent his clients up to and including trial.
Common New York Misdemeanor Harassment Charges:
- P.L. 240.30 - Aggravated Harassment
- P.L. 240.26 - Harassment

Possible penalties for misdemeanor stalking can include the following:
- Jail - up to 1 year (P.L. 60.01)
- Probation - 3 years
- Jail and probation
- Interim probation supervision
- A permanent criminal record
- Restitution
- Reparation
- Community service
- DNA Sample
- Immigration consequences