New York City Homicide Defense Attorney

If you believe that you have been charged with a violent offense, you must speak to a New York City Criminal Defense Attorney immediately. Speaking to the police without legal representation can be disastrous. You have the right not to talk to the police. The New York City Police Department is very aggressive and trains their homicide detectives to get you to talk right away. What you did, didn't do, or whatever you feel your responsibility is, don't try to be your own lawyer by attempting to determine what you should say to the police or prosecutors on your own. The best New York City Murder / Manslaughter defense Attorney Lance L. Fletcher possesses the experience and credentials that few criminal defense firms can match. Mr. Fletcher's years of work in New York City has earned him the distinction of being one of the finest New York City Criminal Defense Attorneys.
A strong criminal defense begins right away, not in court. Contact us for a Evaluation and confidential case evaluation.