New York City Criminal Defense Attorney - Knife Cases
Illegal knifes are usually switch blades or any knife that is allegedly being used illegal such as in a threatening manner. In the State of New York, Penal Law 265.01, Criminal Possession of a Weapon in the 4th Degree, bans the possession of any switchblade, stun gun, firearm, or other listed weapons. This class A misdemeanor charge is punishable by up to a year in jail. Many stores sell these knives and some employers require them for use in cutting boxes or other lawful activities. Being caught with one in New York City can lead to an arrest and prosecution. Additionally, if you are caught with one and you've been previously convicted of a crime, the case can be elevated to a felony. Criminal Defense Attorney Lance Fletcher has successfully resolved a wide variety of knife cases in New York City. Mr. Fletcher has even conducted trials concerning illegal knife possession and is well versed in the legal issues and defenses unique to illegal knives. Contact us regarding your Knife case.

Other Knives
It may surprise you to learn that many seemingly harmless knives are illegal in New York City. Switchblades, long blades, and other knives can lead to arrest and a permanent criminal record for criminally possessing a weapon. Mr. Fletcher, as a former Manhattan prosecutor, has handled numerous knife possession cases and can successfully resolve your case. Contact us at (212) 619-3900 for a case evaluation.
Recent Developments
In Caetano v. Massachusetts, decided March 21, 2016, the U.S. Supreme Court invalidated a Massachusetts law very similar to New York's penal law section 265.01, criminal possession of a weapon in the 4th degree. This is important because we may be able to get your New York knife, switchblade knife, or stun gun case dismissed. You can read our blog article about Caetano here.