State of New York Court of Appeals
No. 15
The People &c.,
Respondent, v.
Cadman Williams, Appellant.
This opinion is uncorrected and subject to revision before publication
in the New York Reports.
Mark W. Zeno, for appellant.
Robert C. McIver, for respondent.
The Innocence Project; Office of the Appellate Defender, Inc., et al.;
and The Legal Aid Society, amici curiae.
Over 150 years ago the science of genetics was born. It grew out of the beloved
garden of Gregor Mendel’s pea plants. It has come to be as important
to our perception of -1-
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the modern world as the atom or the byte. This revolution in our understanding
of biology extends to most aspects of medical science.
In the criminal justice system, it has provided forensic science with
one of the most powerful tools for identification yet seen. DNA testing
has become the “gold standard” of this process.
For this reason, more than any other, courts must use the tools available
to make sure that the highest standards of reliability are maintained.
The primary issue on this appeal is whether the trial court should have
held a Frye hearing (see Frye v United States, 293 F 1013 [DC Cir 1923])
with respect to the admissibility of low copy number (LCN) DNA evidence
and the results of a statistical analysis conducted using the proprietary
forensic statistical tool (FST) developed and controlled by the New York
City Office of Chief Medical Examiner (OCME). Under the circumstances
of this case, we conclude that the trial court abused its discretion as
a matter of law in admitting that evidence without holding such a hearing.
However, inasmuch as the error is harmless, and inasmuch as defendant’s
other contentions lack merit, we ultimately conclude that the judgment
of should not be disturbed.
Facts A.
In May 2008 the victim and his brother had a dispute with several teenagers
in the Bronx. That dispute ended in the death of the victim following
an incident in which he swung a baseball bat at one of the teenagers.
The use of the bat apparently prompted
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defendant, who was present with the group of teenagers, to grab a gun
and fire four bullets at the victim.
Two of those bullets struck the victim, who subsequently staggered into
the lobby of a nearby apartment building and died a short time later.
The medical examiner determined that one of the bullets entered the left
side of the victim’s face, and that the second projectile punctured
the right side of his back. The examiner also concluded that each of the
wounds was fatal.
Defendant escaped the scene of the shooting and had the gun hidden in
the apartment of a former girlfriend before he fled to neighboring states.
Defendant eventually was arrested in Brooklyn several months later, and
the gun in question was recovered from a covered wall cavity in the aforementioned
apartment prior to his prosecution. At trial, the People presented evidence
with respect to those facts, including eyewitness testimony identifying
defendant as the shooter and video footage placing him at the scene of
that incident. The People also presented testimony from defendant’s
former girlfriend explaining that defendant forced her to stow the gun
used in the shooting in her apartment immediately after that incident
and admitted to her that “he had just shot somebody.”
Trial also saw the People present evidence with respect to DNA testing
that was conducted with the goal of providing a scientific link between
defendant and the subject gun. That DNA testing revealed that there was
a mixture of DNA from at least two contributors on the firearm. OCME initially
was unable to link defendant’s DNA profile
unknown, unrelated people.
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to the DNA found on the gun through “standard” DNA testing.
an expert for the People characterized as a “sensitive” form
of traditional DNA review (that is, the LCN testing) and a proprietary
“calculator” (that is, the FST2) yielded the conclusion that
it was millions of times more likely that the DNA mixture found on the
gun contained contributions from defendant and one unknown, unrelated
person, rather than from two
reaction, or PCR, technique involving 28 amplification cycles of DNA loci
(see generally
People v John, 27 NY3d 294, 298 [2016]). In the PCR process, a specific
region of DNA
is replicated over and over again to yield many copies of a particular
sequence, which
permits minute amounts of DNA to be examined (John M. Butler, Fundamentals of
Forensic DNA Typing at 7, 125, 1260 [2009]).
Eventually, though, what
In this context, “standard” DNA testing generally refers to
the polymerase chain
the LCN evidence and the FST calculations in question on this appeal.
The addendum to this opinion contains a more detailed explanation of the nature of
(1) used PCR DNA testing to determine that mixtures of DNA from at least
two people were present on the trigger and grip areas of the gun, but
that the DNA profiles of individual contributors to the mixture could
not be determined;
(2) determined that, based on a DNA profile developed from a buccal swab
sample and a PCR analysis, defendant could not be excluded as a contributor
to the mixtures found on the grip and trigger areas of the gun;
(3) determined that, based on LCN testing and an FST analysis, it was
(a) 4.13 million times more probable that the DNA mixture found on the
handle area of the gun originated from defendant and one unknown, unrelated
person than from two unknown, unrelated contributors, and (b) 131,000
times more probable that the DNA mixture found on the trigger area of
the gun originated from defendant and one unknown, unrelated person than
from two unknown, unrelated contributors; and, finally,
(4) following a recalculation based on additional LCN testing and FST
analysis, ultimately concluded that it was (a) 125 million times more
probable that the DNA mixture found on the handle area of the gun originated
from defendant and one unknown, unrelated person than from two unknown,
unrelated contributors, and (b) 1.97 million times more probable that
the DNA mixture found on the trigger area of the gun originated from defendant
and one unknown, unrelated person than from two unknown, unrelated contributors.
OCME’s findings were the culmination of a series of four reports
issued over a period of approximately seven months in which OCME, respectively,
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The LCN and FST evidence did not reach the jury without protest. Prior to trial
defendant had moved for an order precluding the People from introducing
expert testimony regarding any conclusion reached by either the use of
LCN testing or the FST on the ground that such methods were not generally
accepted as reliable by the relevant scientific community. In the alternative,
defendant sought an order directing that a Frye hearing be held with respect
to the reliability of any proposed evidence generated through LCN and
FST review. That application is the focal point of this appeal.
Defendant’s Support for the Frye Motion
The LCN testing process, as noted in the addendum, obtains DNA profiles
from a very minute amount of genetic material by increasing the number
of amplification cycles (28 in a “standard” test, and 31 using
this method) used to copy that DNA. In support of the Frye motion defendant
put before the motion court, among other things, evidence in the form
of an expert averment that “no generally accepted guidelines for
the testing, analysis, or interpretation of LCN [had] been agreed upon
by the forensic community,” and that “[t]he use of LCN testing
[was] still highly debated within the forensic community due to the unreliability
of the LCN profiles generated.” The same expert did “not believe
that profiles generated from LCN testing [were] reliable or valid for
the implementation for DNA testing associated with criminal casework”
and noted that LCN testing was “not
implemented within” the out-of-state laboratory in which he was employed.
Casework Unit of the Connecticut Forensic Lab.
That expert worked as a Forensic Scientific Examiner in the Nuclear DNA -5-
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Supplementing that sworn expert submission were ten scholarly articles
and comments questioning the validity and robustness of LCN analysis.
One of those texts explained that “it is fair to say that LCN typing
is the subject of great dispute among some of the leading lights of the
forensic community,” while another noted “the acknowledged
lack of consensus in interpretation” of LCN tests, the “unlikel[ihood]
that LCN tests [would] be embraced by crime laboratories in the [United
States],” and the likelihood “that such results would be deemed
inadmissible if they were challenged.” Other parts of those materials
discussed the “highly charged debate in the scientific and law-enforcement
communities about [LCN] analysis.”
The evidence defendant put before the motion court with respect to the
LCN question also indicated that only one publicly funded laboratory—located
at the University of North Texas Health Sciences (UNTHS) campus—performed
LCN testing. “For purposes of admissibility in a court proceeding,”
defendant cautioned, “the UNTHS lab only perform[ed] LCN testing
for missing persons identification.”
Interestingly, the executive director of applied genetics at UNTHS and
perhaps “the father of American DNA analysis” (People v Collins,
49 Misc 3d 595, 608 [Sup Ct, Kings County 2015]), Dr. Bruce Budowle, co-authored
one of the scholarly articles tendered to the motion court in support
of the Frye motion. That article noted that a “claim[] ha[d] been
made recently” in People v Megnath (27 Misc 3d 405 [Sup Ct, Queens
County 2010]) “that LCN typing is generally accepted as being reliable.”
Dr. Budowle and his co-authors, however, believed that conclusion “difficult
to substantiate . . . because of the inherent lack
of reproducibility of the current LCN method(s).” The conclusion
to that article explained -6-
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that Dr. Budowle and his co-authors would not endorse OCME’s “flawed”
LCN testing practices, which the writers believed to be “inconsistently
applied [to] [overstate] the weight of the evidence.” The title
the authors chose for that article distilled those points and neatly summarized
defendant’s case with respect to the LCN question; the authors labeled
this piece, “Low Copy Number Typing has yet to Achieve ‘General
Acceptance.’ ”
Defendant’s case with respect to the FST was thinner, but with good
reason. Defendant characterized the FST as a program “developed
by the OCME itself” that had “not been adequately subjected
either to validation or peer review by anyone else in the relevant scientific
community.” Outside validation, defendant suggested, would have
been impossible because OCME had not “shared” the software.
That black-box approach, defendant continued, was contrary to the tack
recommended by the Committee on DNA Technology in Forensic Science of
the National Research Council, which had concluded that “[q]uality-assurance
programs in individual laboratories alone are insufficient to assure high
standards” and recommended “[e]xternal mechanisms . . . to
ensure adherence to the practices of quality assurance.”5
The People’s Opposition to the Frye Motion
Based on, among other things, counsels’ review of Frye applications
in other matters considering the use of LCN analysis and the FST, defendant
also questioned the accuracy of the likelihood calculations produced by
the FST. Defendant asserted that such calculation improperly assumed allelic
drop-out, which occurs when a piece of DNA is not seen in a DNA result,
even though it is known to be in a sample (see addendum to this opinion).
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In opposing the motion, the People contended that LCN evidence could be
admitted in the absence of a Frye hearing because OCME had “submitted
extensive validation studies detailing [its] protocols and procedures,”
which had been examined and certified by the New York State Commission
on Forensic Science. Along those lines, the People noted that “OCME
has long been recognized as the gold standard of forensic institutions
not only in the United States but indeed in the world,” and that
OMCE is subject to yearly audits conducted by outside agencies such as
the National Forensic Science and Technology Center, which employ auditors
trained by the FBI.
The People also noted that, at the time of this motion practice, LCN evidence
had “been admitted 140 times in New York State Supreme Court”
and in at least 12 foreign courts. Although OCME was the only government
facility in the United States “issuing results of LCN testing,”
the People added that there were “many private laboratories and
universities both [domestically] and abroad performing [such] testing
and reporting results, including the [UNTHS], where defense DNA expert
[Dr.] Bruce Budowle [taught].”
Finally, at least with respect to the LCN question, the People noted that
the LCN procedure was “not based on new or novel scientific techniques,”
and was not newly applied to forensic casework inasmuch as “[t]he
procedures and protocols used to extract the DNA and make comparisons
[had] been around for over 25 years.” And “[b]ecause [LCN]
testing employs no different scientific process to examine and analyze
smaller amounts of DNA than the established and universally accepted PCR
[DNA testing, the People characterized it as] an acceptable science that
falls outside the strictures of a Frye hearing.”
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With respect to the FST issue, the People similarly maintained that such
evidence should be admitted without a Frye hearing because “numerous
articles published in peer- reviewed scientific journals” supported
the point that “the analytical software employs well-established
principles such as Bayesian statistics and likelihood ratios which are
used in many areas of science including forensics, medicine and social
sciences.”6 The People added that “FST does not change the
results of the DNA tests performed in case” and that, given both
the thorough review of the FST by DNA Subcommittee of the New York State
Forensic Science Committee and the exhaustive validation of that tool
by OCME, the relevant scientific community had accepted the FST as reliable.
At the time this motion practice was initiated no court had completed
a Frye hearing
with respect to the FST, and only one court—namely, the Megnath
(27 Misc 3d 405) court questioned by Dr. Budowle—had conducted such
a hearing with respect to LCN testing. Nevertheless, by order rendered
March 5, 2014, the motion court denied the application in its entirety.
With respect to the LCN issue, the court relied almost exclusively on
Megnath (27 Misc 3d 405), quoting that decision’s conclusion that
LCN analysis “ ‘is basically the same method of DNA testing
that occurs with [traditional high copy number review]’ ”
inasmuch as “ ‘[t]he only difference [in approach] is that
the LCN method can test smaller amounts of DNA by increasing the amplification
cycles’ ” (id. at 410).
That is, the People essentially contended that because the mathematical
and analytical tools built into the FST software are accepted in other
areas of use, so too should they be deemed generally accepted here and
exempted from the scrutiny of a Frye hearing.
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With respect to the FST issue, the court relied on the approval of such
tool by the “Subcommittee on DNA Evidence,” reasoning that
because that the subcommittee “itself is a distinguished cross-section
of the scientific community,” that body’s approval of the
FST “can easily be equated with general acceptance of this methodology
in the relevant scientific [society].” In that vein, the court referred
to People v Rodriguez (Sup Ct, NY County, Oct. 24, 2013, Carruthers, J.,
index No. 5471/2009), which was decided during the pendency of this motion
practice and which concluded following a Frye hearing that FST evidence
was admissible based on an internal validation by OCME and approval by
the DNA Subcommittee of the New York State Forensic Science Commission.
The court also pointed to People v Garcia (39 Misc 3d 482 [Sup Ct, Bronx
County 2013]), which had concluded that “a Frye hearing is [not]
required before the prosecution can introduce . . . testimony concerning
the [FST] used to calculate probability ratios when testing a mixture
containing several DNA profiles” (id. at 483).
The result was the same when defendant moved to renew and/or reargue the
application in November 2014. The rekindling of the motion was prompted
by a ruling of Supreme Court, Kings County, rendered following a lengthy
Frye hearing in People v Jacquan Collins. That court concluded, among
other things, that “neither LCN nor FST are generally accepted in
the scientific community.”7
The Collins ruling initially was an oral one. The transcript of that decision
was put before the motion court in this case on the application to renew
and/or reargue, and the minutes of the Collins bench decision reflect
that the court acknowledged “that there [was nothing] that [it could]
say [was] wrong with [LCN] or [FST] and [that] it is a big temptation
and a big mistake in a Frye hearing situation for a judge ultimately to
decide which scientific techniques he [or she] things work.” The
“job” of the court, instead, was
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The expert affidavit offered in support of defendant’s motion in
this case was also put before the hearing court in Collins. (In point
of fact, the expert submission in the case actually bears the caption
for the Collins case.) Still, the court here denied the renewed application
through a written decision and order entered May 26, 2015 in which it
“simply decline[d] to follow” Collins and instead relied on
ten trial-level decisions in which “many of [the court’s]
colleagues [had] similarly ruled.” Those decisions have a common
touchstone: People v Megnath (27 Misc 3d 405 [Sup Ct, Queens County 2010]).
Eventually, on appeal, the Appellate Division refused to disturb the trial
determination of the Frye motion (158 AD3d 471 [1st Dept 2018]). The Court
noted only that it had “considered and rejected defendant’s
arguments concerning [LCN] and [FST] evidence” (id. at 472-473,
citing People v Gonzalez, 155 AD3d 507 [1st Dept 2017] [relying on Megnath
(27 Misc 3d at 413) in concluding that the trial court in that case did
not abuse its discretion in refusing to hold a Frye hearing on expert
testimony relating to
“to see whether or not there is essentially general agreement in
the scientific community as to the challenged scientific principles.”
Inasmuch as the FBI refused to use LCN results and “pioneers in
the filed like Dr. Budowle” did not “trust [LCN] in criminal
courtroom situations,” the Collins court concluded “that it
was inconsistent with Frye to give it to a jury when so many of the experts
in the field don’t think that is appropriate.”
Collins’s FST analysis was similar. Essentially, based on “the
defense position . . . that there is difficulty in approving of the methods
through which the drop in and dropout rates and other stochastic effects
are considered in the FST,” the Collins court again took a measured
approach and refused to admit FST evidence on the ground “that the
Frye test ha[d] [not] been satisfied.” Those conclusions were reiterated
in a lengthy written opinion rendered July 2, 2015 (People v Collins,
49 Misc 3d 595 [Supreme Court, Kings County 2015 (Mark Dwyer, J.)]).
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LCN testing], lvs denied 30 NY3d 1115 [2018], 31 NY3d 1148 [2018]). A
Judge of this Court granted defendant leave to appeal (32 NY3d 942 [2018]).
Analysis of the Primary Issue
“Science is the organized skepticism in the reliability of expert
opinion.”8 – American theoretical physicist Richard P. Feynman.
“The long-recognized rule of Frye . . . is that expert testimony
based on scientific principles or procedures is admissible but only after
a principle or procedure has ‘gained general acceptance’ in
its specified field” (People v Wesley, 83 NY2d 417, 422 [1994],
quoting Frye, 293 F at 1014). “The process is meant to assess ‘whether
the accepted techniques, when properly performed, generate results accepted
as reliable within the scientific community generally’ ” (People
v Brooks, 31 NY3d 939, 941 [2018], quoting Wesley, 83 NY2d at 422).
“Although unanimity is not required, the proponent [of the disputed
evidence] must show consensus in the scientific community as to [the methodology’s]
reliability” (Sean R. v BMW of N. Am., LLC, 26 NY3d 801, 809 [2016]
[internal quotation marks omitted]). That consensus has been described
as “a surrogate for determining the reliability of a purported scientific
methodology” (Martin, Capra & Rossi, New York Evidence Handbook
§ 7.2.3 at 644 [1997]). A showing that an expert’s opinion
has “some support” is not
Lee Smolin, The Trouble with Physics 309 (2006) (quoting Feynman). - 12 -
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sufficient to establish general acceptance in the relevant scientific
community (see Cornell v 360 W. 51st St. Realty, LLC, 22 NY3d 762, 783 [2014]).
The determination whether a trial court erred in admitting disputed scientific
evidence in the absence of a Frye hearing turns on whether the court abused
its discretion as a matter of law (see generally People v Boone, 30 NY3d
521, 530-531 [2017]). “[T]he mere fact that a court is the first
to evaluate novel scientific evidence does not mean the evidence is unreliable,”
but it does “increase[] the task of the hearing court” (Wesley,
83 NY2d at 437 [Kaye, Ch. J., concurring]). Certain materials, including
texts, laboratory standards, and articles issued with respect to the technique
in question, may, under appropriate circumstances, support a conclusion
that such technique is generally accepted as reliable (see id.).
Judicial precedent may also support a conclusion with respect to the general
reliability of a disputed scientific technique short of a hearing (see
id.; People v LeGrand, 8 NY3d 449, 457 [2007]; Matter of Lahey v Kelly,
71 NY2d 135, 144 [1987]). In the absence of such materials and support,
the hearing court may take expert testimony on the subject. Review of
a Frye determination must be based on the state of scientific knowledge
and opinion at the time of the ruling (see Cornell, 22 NY3d at 784-785
[“a Frye ruling on lack of general causation hinges on the scientific
literature in the record before the trial court in the particular case”]).
Against that backdrop we turn to the question whether the trial court
abused its
discretion as a matter of law in permitting the admission of the LCN evidence
without - 13 -
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holding a Frye hearing. Under the circumstances of this case, we conclude
that there was an abuse of discretion as a matter of law.
In deciding not to evaluate the reliability of LCN evidence in a Frye
hearing, the motion court relied heavily on the prior judicial opinion
in Megnath (27 Misc 3d 405). That court had ruled, among other things,
that LCN testing, as performed by OCME, was “generally accepted
as reliable in the forensic scientific community” (Megnath, 27 Misc
3d at 411). That conclusion, however, was based on the court’s review
of what was OCME’s own, internal support for its process (see id.
at 407-410), as well as upon evidence reflecting that such methodology
had “been used worldwide for over 10 years and [was] currently used
in many other countries” (id. at 408).
By the time the motion court in this case determined the application to
renew and/or reargue, there were approximately ten decisions of various
trial courts of this state that
purportedly supported the determination in this case.
however, was the ruling in Megnath, and underlying the Megnath ruling
was an analysis that did not adequately assess whether OCME’s LCN
testing was generally accepted within the relevant scientific community.
The repetition of a single, questionable judicial determination does not
strengthen or add validity to such ruling, and it defies logic that an
Underlying those determinations,
Although the point is not essential to our conclusion with respect to
the LCN evidence, it bears repeating that, at the time the Frye motion
here was reargued, the trial court in Collins had concluded that LCN testing
results could not be admitted into evidence without first surviving the
scrutiny of a Frye hearing. That determination, which was well- articulated
in a bench decision put before this motion court on the application to
renew and/or reargue, was based in part on the same expert affidavit that
defendant offered in support of this Frye motion practice.
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error, because it is oft-repeated, somehow is made right (see David H.
Kay, The New Wigmore on Evidence, “Limiting Strict Scrutiny by Methodology,”
§ 9.5.1 [2018] [concluding that where a trial court relies on the
findings of a previous hearing, that court should be convinced that the
hearing was fair and thorough given the possibility that an early hearing
with respect to a given technique may not be balanced]). Scientific community
approval, not judicial fiat, is the litmus test for the admission of expert
evidence generated from a scientific principle or procedure, and it is
not to be assumed that one hearing is automatically “enough”
to hurdle a Frye inquiry in a different matter. Significantly, the People
were unable to cite any New York appellate cases, or out-of-state case
law, assessing the general acceptance of LCN evidence (cf. People v Middleton,
54 NY2d 42, 49 [1981]; People v Magri, 3 NY2d 562, 566 [1958]).
Moreover, the fact remains that there was “marked conflict”
with respect to the reliability of LCN DNA within the relevant scientific
community at the time the LCN issue was litigated in this case (see generally
People v Jeter, 80 NY2d 818, 820-821 [1992]). The evidence tendered by
defendant included OCME’s admission that “traditional”
DNA testing involved 28 amplification cycles of DNA loci, whereas LCN
testing applied additional amplification—31 cycles—when traditional
testing could not yield an adequate DNA profile. In assuming that the
additional reproduction cycles gave rise to no distinction between “traditional”
and LCN testing, the People simply ignored the opinion of defendant’s
expert that LCN’s enhancements “increases the sensitivity
of detection [of genetic markers in tested material] and may result in
inaccurate genetic profiles which do
not reliably reflect the condition of the evidence[ and] generat[e] invalid
results.” The - 15 -
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People’s bald assumption of accord between traditional and LCN methods,
and the deference shown by the motion court to that faulty point, similarly
ignored the chorus of defendant’s scholarly voices accepting of
traditional DNA testing but sounding suspicion with respect to the LCN
Additionally, contrary to the People’s suggestion and the motion
court’s conclusion, the fact that LCN evidence had been used in
foreign courts should have been of no consequence inasmuch as there was
no indication that the threshold for admissibility in those bodies contains
the same exacting standards to be applied in courts of this state. Defendant
was not required to establish, in his motion papers, that LCN evidence
was generally not accepted by the relevant scientific community in order
to obtain a hearing to resolve the very question of general acceptance.
Here, defendant’s submissions raised sufficient questions regarding
the general acceptance of the LCN evidence, based on its lack of use by
other laboratories, the absence of prior meaningful review, and the scientific
articles proffered by defendant questioning the reliability of the evidence
for criminal prosecution. As the proponent of the LCN evidence, the People
ultimately bore the burden of establishing its general acceptance by the
relevant scientific community (see LeGrand, 8 NY3d at 458; Sean R., 26
NY3d at 809), and defendant was entitled to have the People put to that burden.
Our conclusion—that the court abused its discretion as a matter
of law in failing to
hold a Frye hearing—is the same with respect to the FST evidence.
The logic underlying
the admission of FST evidence not subjected to Frye scrutiny hinged principally
on two - 16 -
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points: the “strength” of Garcia (39 Misc 3d 482) and the
observation that FST technology basically uses the building blocks of
existing mathematical formulas to calculate the likelihood that a person
contributed to one part of a DNA mixture. If the analysis was as simple
as determining whether FST is comprised of existing mathematical formulas
that are individually accepted as generally reliable within the relevant
scientific community, then FST evidence probably would be admissible even
in the absence of a Frye hearing.
The point remains, however, that FST is a proprietary program exclusively
developed and controlled by OCME. The sole developer and the sole user
are the same. That is not “an appropriate substitute for the thoughtful
exchange of ideas . . . envisioned by Frye” (Wesley, 83 NY2d at
441 [Kaye, Ch. J., concurring]). It is an invitation to bias.
It may well be that what the People say is accurate; to paraphrase their
words, FST technology is based on an aggregation of generally accepted
tools and therefore should be deemed generally accepted itself. The tool
has, as the People noted, been vetted and approved by “the distinguished
scientists making up the DNA Subcommittee of the New York State Forensic
Science Committee.” The Subcommittee’s approval is certainly
relevant and may constitute some evidence of general acceptance at a Frye
hearing. But that insular endorsement is no substitute for the scrutiny
of the relevant scientific community. To rely solely on the Subcommittee’s
approval as dispositive of the general acceptance would be supplant the
courts’ obligation to ensure, under Frye, that scientific techniques
and methods are sufficiently reliable to be admitted into evidence in
a criminal proceeding.
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Indeed, here, defendant was hamstrung in demonstrating the existence of
conflicting scientific opinions in order to show the need for Frye review
of the FST based on the “black box” nature of that program,
but his papers adequately showed that OCME’s secretive approach
to the FST was inconsistent with quality assurance standards within the
relevant scientific community. Those papers also showed that facts adduced
in challenges to the FST made in Frye applications in other proceedings
suggested that the accuracy calculations of that program may be flawed.
Neither People v Rodriguez (Sup Ct, NY County, Oct. 24, 2013) nor Garcia
(39 Misc 3d 482) supported a different result. The court in Rodriguez
concluded, following a Frye hearing, that FST evidence was admissible
based on internal validation by OCME and approval of the tool by the DNA
Subcommittee of the New York State Forensic Science Commission. Approval
by that narrow class of reviewers, some of whom were employed by the very
agency that developed the technology, is no substitute for community review.
By contrast, in Garcia (39 Misc 3d 482), the court skirted a Frye hearing,
reasoning that the FST is not “new or novel science that requires
a Frye hearing” (id. at 490) based on what essentially was the “aggregation”
theory advanced by the People here. That is, the Garcia court concluded
that “[c]omputer programs that allow for drop-in and drop-out rates
when calculating likelihood ratios are not new or novel in the scientific
community,” and that the application of “accepted mathematical
formulas to already existing data previously created by LCN DNA techniques”
was a generally reliable technique in the
relevant scientific community (id. at 488-489). That decision, however,
did not adequately - 18 -
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account for either the proprietary nature of the FST or the relatively
narrow subsection of the relevant scientific community able to examine
and endorse that tool. Moreover, to the extent that the FST had not been
used by OCME for a significantly long period of time prior to its use
in defendant’s case, and because the particulars of the program
were not readily available to the general scientific community so as to
facilitate meaningful review and criticism, the People’s claim that
defendant failed to proffer sufficient evidence that the program was not
generally accepted is unavailing.
In short, the FST should be supported by those with no professional interest in its
The errors in admitting expert testimony with respect to LCN and FST results
in the absence of a Frye hearing are significant. In this case, however,
the errors also are harmless under our standard for errors of nonconstitutional
magnitude. Here, in sum, the People presented video evidence of the shooting,
the eyewitness testimony identifying defendant as the shooter, and the
testimony of defendant’s former girlfriend with respect to the events
that followed that incident—including the girlfriend’s account
of defendant’s handling of the subject gun and the forced secretion
of that device. Based on all of that proof, we conclude that the evidence
of defendant’s guilt is overwhelming and that there is no
acceptance. Frye demands an objective, unbiased review. D.
In so concluding we acknowledge the possibility that there may be circumstances
in which a scientific field is so small that there are no knowledgeable
scientists who are completely disinterested in the technology in question.
A Frye challenge raised in such a scenario may yield a result different
from that produced through the analysis of the FST issue in this case,
which considers the markedly different question of the general acceptance
of proprietary, black-box technology.
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significant probability that the jury would have acquitted defendant had
it not been for these errors (see generally People v Crimmins, 36 NY2d
230, 241-242 [1975]).
Our conclusion that the trial court abused its discretion as a matter
of law in denying
a Frye hearing is not the only important point. We have said that a Frye
hearing is generally unwarranted “[a]bsent a novel or experimental
scientific theory” (Brooks, 31 NY3d at 941). That teaching, of course,
leaves room for such a hearing even where the scientific principle in
question is neither novel nor experimental. The recoil with respect to
previously accepted techniques demonstrates the importance of the space
accorded trial courts to conduct a Frye hearing even with respect to a
scientific approach that may have become common over time.
Familiarity does not always breed accuracy, and our Frye jurisprudence
accounts for the fact that evolving views and opinions in a scientific
community may occasionally require the scrutiny of a Frye hearing with
respect to a familiar technique. There is no absolute rule as to when
a Frye hearing should or should not be granted, and courts should be guided
by the current state of scientific knowledge and opinion in making such
Indeed, admissibility even after a finding of general acceptance through
a Frye hearing is not always automatic. Recent questioning of previously
accepted techniques related to hair comparisons, fire origin, comparative
bullet lead analysis, bite mark matching, and bloodstain-pattern analysis
illustrates that point; all of those analyses have
long been accepted within their relevant scientific communities but recently
have come - 20 -
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into varying degrees of question (see e.g. Overturning Wrongful Convictions
Involving Misapplied Forensics, available at https://www.innocenceproject.org/overturning-
wrongful-convictions-involving-flawed-forensics/ [last accessed Feb. 21,
2020]; Heather Murphy, A Leading Cause for Wrongful Convictions: Experts
Overstating Forensic Results, NY Times, April 20, 2019; Leora Smith, How
a Dubious Forensic Science Spread Like a Virus, available at https://features.propublica.org/blood-spatter-analysis/herbert-
macdonell-forensic-evidence-judges-and-courts/ [last accessed Feb. 21,
2020]). Those points, and the lessons of this case, reinforce the importance
of judicial caution in the admission of developing scientific evidence
in proceedings that may result in the
The epilogue to this case, although immaterial to the question whether
the record establishes that the motion court abused its discretion as
a matter of law in refusing to hold a Frye hearing, well illustrates the
need for caution in the area of the admission of inculpatory scientific
evidence in criminal proceedings. The leading judicial dissenter with
respect to the reliability of LCN DNA has been Justice Mark Dwyer of Supreme
Court, Kings County, who, as noted, refused to admit LCN DNA analysis
into evidence following a Frye hearing held in People v Collins (49 Misc
3d 595 [Supreme Court, Kings County 2015]). That ruling followed a proceeding
in which five biologists or geneticists, including Dr. Bruce Budowle,
generally objected to OCME’s procedures in the LCN area (see id.
at 609-610). That testimony revealed that LCN is used in only two laboratories
in the United States (OCME and UNTHS), and that only OCME develops such
DNA for use in criminal matters. That testimony also showed that the FBI
refuses to use high sensitivity analysis, and that the national Combined
DNA Index System (CODIS) will not upload profiles created with high sensitivity analysis.
Most importantly, though, in that case, a former member of the DNA subcommittee
of the New York State Forensic Commission, which had approved OCME’s
LCN analysis, “defected” and testified for the defense (see
id. at 611-613). Since that time, OCME also has abandoned LCN testing,
and it is doubtful that the People would defend an application seeking
a Frye hearing on that issue today.
deprivation or limitation of liberty.
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There is one additional point to be drawn from this case. When pressed
to a literal extreme, some of our precedent may be interpreted to suggest
that a single decision or single court opinion with respect to the general
acceptance of a disputed scientific technique or process may not support
the admission of such evidence in the absence of a Frye hearing (see LeGrand,
8 NY3d at 458 [“A court need not hold a Frye hearing where it can
rely upon previous rulings in other court proceedings as an aid in determining
the admissibility of the proffered testimony”] [emphasis added];
Wesley, 83 NY2d at 437 [“If no court opinions, texts, laboratory
standards or scholarly articles have been issued on the technique—the
types of materials relevant to a determination of general acceptability—(a)
court may . . . take the testimony of expert witnesses”] [Kaye,
Ch. J., concurring] [emphasis added]). This decision should not be read
to suggest that a trial court can never rely on a single prior judicial
ruling in concluding that expert testimony based on scientific procedures
or principles has gained general acceptance in its specified field, or
that multiple judicial determinations to that effect are required for
admission in the absence of a Frye hearing. Hearing courts retain the
flexibility to admit such evidence in the absence of a Frye inquiry based
on a single, sound, prior judicial opinion on a consonant question.
Analysis of the Remaining Issues
Defendant advances three additional contentions on appeal. None of those
contentions has merit.
First, defendant contends that trial counsel was ineffective for failing
to object to
the instruction that the jury must determine whether the use of deadly
physical force was
justified with respect to each of the gunshots that struck the victim
(cf. People v Del- - 22 -
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Debbio, 244 AD2d 195, 195 [1st Dept 1997] [“Even if a defendant
is justified in using deadly physical force at the beginning of a single,
ongoing encounter with an assailant, his right to use that force terminates
at the point he can no longer reasonably believe the assailant still poses
a threat to him”], lv denied 91 NY2d 925 [1998]). An objection on
that point, however, was unlikely to have succeeded, and trial counsel
cannot be ineffective for failing to advance an argument that has little
or no chance of success (see People v Caban, 5 NY3d 143, 152 [2005]; People
v Stultz, 2 NY3d 277, 287 [2004], rearg denied 3 NY3d 702 [2004]). Defendant
essentially contends that because the People’s medical expert testified
that each of the two gunshots that struck the victim was fatal, the second
gunshot necessarily is academic with respect to the justification analysis
because the first shot killed the victim. That contention, however, overlooks
the point that the jury was free to reject the testimony of that expert
with respect to the conclusion that the victim could have been killed
solely by the first gunshot (see People v Drake, 7 NY3d 28, 33 [2006]).
The victim, after all, was alive when he was shot a second time, and for
a short while thereafter. To the extent the jury believed the second gunshot
was at least partially responsible for the victim’s death, the challenged
jury instruction would have been appropriate.
Second, defendant contends that trial counsel was ineffective for failing
to object to the part of the jury instruction containing the “initial
aggressor” exception to the justification defense. A person may
not use physical force upon another person to defend himself when that
person is the initial aggressor (see Penal Law § 35.15 [1] [b]; People
v Petty, 7 NY3d 277, 284-285 [2006]). Where there is a reasonable view
of the evidence
that the defendant is the initial aggressor, the court may instruct the
jury with respect to - 23 -
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that exception to the justification defense (see generally People v Valentin,
29 NY3d 57, 61 [2017]). Here, the People adduced testimony that defendant
shot the victim after the baseball bat held by the victim had shattered
and no longer presented a threat, meaning that the initial aggressor instruction
was appropriate. Inasmuch as an objection to that challenge was unlikely
to succeed, and inasmuch as trial counsel cannot be ineffective for failing
to make a motion that has little or no chance of success (see Caban, 5
NY3d at 152; Stultz, 2 NY3d at 287), this contention with respect to ineffective
assistance of counsel lacks merit.
Third, defendant contends that the trial court abused its discretion as
a matter of law in admitting into evidence a recording of a telephone
call defendant made while incarcerated before trial at Rikers Island.
This issue was raised in a brief filed before we decided People v Diaz
(33 NY3d 92 [2019]) and People v Cisse (32 NY3d 1198 [2019]). In those
cases, we concluded that defendants who use the “public” telephone
system at Rikers Island while warned of the potential that such calls
may be recorded impliedly consent to the “taping” of those
conversations. Those cases are controlling here.
Accordingly, the Appellate Division order should be affirmed.
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Low Copy Number (LCN) DNA Testing
“DNA,” or deoxyribonucleic acid, “is found in the chromosomes
of every cell and contains coded information that provides the genetic
blueprint for all living things” (Martin, Capra & Rossi, New
York Evidence Handbook § 7.2.3 at 647-648 [1997]). “[C]ertain
regions of DNA contain DNA sequences that [are] repeated over and over again
next to each other” (John M. Butler, Fundamentals of Forensic DNA
Typing at 4 [2009]). Today, DNA typing typically analyzes “STR”—or
“short tandem repeat”— markers, or certain DNA regions
with short repeat units that are highly variable between individuals (id.
at 5). The utility of DNA profiling arises from the point that, with the
exception of identical twins, the genome (that is, the complete genetic
composition) of each human being is different (id. at 6). A person inherits
a single allele—or section of DNA at a particular genetic location—from
each parent, providing two alleles at a given location (referred to as
a locus), and an STR analysis involves the examination of 13 or more
different loci to establish a profile of which alleles appear at which locus.
The copying of specific regions of DNA from its cells—through technique
known as polymerase chain reaction, or PCR—produces millions of
reproductions of each DNA segment of interest and therefore permits very
small amounts of DNA to be examined (see id. at 7; see id. at 191). In
a criminal investigation, after that copying or amplification, the
The United State Supreme Court has recognized the value of Butler’s
overview of DNA evidence, citing that work as authoritative in Maryland
v King (569 US 435, 442 [2013]).
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PCR products typically are separated based on their size, and the alleles
in that material are compared to the alleles in a known sample to determine
whether the tested material contains a DNA profile that matches that of
the control sample (see id. at 7). In the event of a similar profile—which
frequently is characterized as a “match”—the odds that
a random person (who did not give a sample for testing) would have the
same DNA profile as that which appears on the sample tested are determined.
At issue here is low copy number DNA testing. That process was developed
as a means of obtaining DNA profiles from even smaller amounts of DNA
by increasing the PCR amplification cycles to essentially make more copies
of the DNA segments to allow for analysis. That is, where there is a minute
amount of available genetic material the LCN technique generates many
more copies of DNA molecules and enables STR typing to obtain results
from those small samples (id. at 330-331; see http://www.nyc.gov/html/ocme/
downloads/ pdf/HISENS_ brochure.pdf [last accessed Feb. 21, 2020] [also
referring to LCN analysis as “high sensitivity,” “low
level,” and “touch” DNA testing]).
The Forensic Statistical Tool (FST)
In the People’s words, FST, or forensic statistical tool, “is
a computer software program developed by OCME which is used to calculate
likelihood ratios.” That “application,” the People say,
“is simply [a] math software program that performs calculations
that could not be done by hand in a human time frame.” Programs
such as FST are particularly useful where there is a DNA mixture inasmuch
as they account for the
possibility of allelic “drop out” and “drop in.”
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Allelic “drop out” occurs when a piece of DNA is not seen
in a DNA result, even though it is known to be in a sample. For example,
when a minute amount of DNA is tested, the testing process may not pick
up all of the pieces of DNA in the profile and refer only to those that
were identified. The pieces not picked up or identified are said to have
“dropped out” because, although they are part of the original
sample, they will not be shown or represented in the result. Drop out
also may occur when a DNA sample is degraded and some pieces deteriorate
and are not detected during the testing process, and therefore “drop
out” of the results.
Allelic “drop in” occurs when a minute piece of DNA or allele
is seen in the sample but cannot be attributed to the contributors in
the sample. Drop in may result from, among other things, “stutter”—which
is essentially a byproduct of the testing process and which generally
presents as peaks much shorter than a true allele—and contamination
of the sample.
The People claim that “[w]hat sets FST apart [as an estimation program]
is that FST uses empirically established drop out and drop in rates generated
by thousands of tests.” Along those lines, the People maintain that
“FST is not a method” and instead “is a name for a software
program that is being applied after the testing is completed.”
According to the People, “scientists can predict with a reasonable
degree of scientific certainty the likelihood of a piece of DNA dropping
out, or not being seen, at every location that is being tested.”
Consequently, the dropout rates can be estimated, (as, apparently, can
drop in rates) through mathematical calculations performed through the FST.
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The People characterize likelihood ratios generated by the FST as “statistics
relating to the likelihood of one scenario over another.” According
to the People, the likelihood ratio “is not a statement that the
defendant’s profile is part of the DNA mixture present on evidence.”
Rather, “the likelihood ratio is a standard statistical calculation
used in all areas of science” and simply says “that given
the composition of the mixture it’s s more likely than not that
the defendant is a contributor to the DNA mixture.”
- 28 -
People v Cadman Williams No. 15
DiFIORE, Chief Judge (concurring):
I concur that the issues joined in this 2014 motion practice raised the
existence of a
credible dispute among scientists in the relevant scientific community
that was ripe for a Frye hearing (Frye v United States, 293 F 1013 [DC
Cir 1923]), and the denial of the same was an abuse of discretion. I write
separately because I cannot join the majority’s
- 2 -
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pejorative view of the New York City Office of the Chief Medical Examiner’s
(OCME’s) low copy number (LCN) DNA typing technique and its use
of a Forensic Statistical Tool (FST), a probabilistic genotyping software
program, to determine likelihood ratios for the interpretation of DNA
typing in multiple source samples. I also write to emphasize the paramount
importance of the Commission on Forensic Science (CFS) and its highly
credentialed DNA subcommittee and the significance of their joint approval
of the OCME’s validated techniques for generating and interpreting
LCN DNA typing.
The narrowly disputed issue presented to the trial court concerned challenges
to the relatively new internal validation studies conducted by OCME to
support its LCN DNA typing interpretation protocols to address the conceded
increased stochastic effects and allelic dropout associated with multiple
contributor samples. Here, the People alleged that the interpretation
protocols of the DNA testing tools at issue – i.e., the LCN DNA
typing and FST techniques – were validated by empirical evidence
through extensive testing. The validation studies did not lack “external
mechanisms” of quality assurance as the majority asserts (majority
op. at 7), and that is a conclusion that completely ignores the comprehensive
oversight, regulation and approval of the subject DNA testing techniques
by the legislatively created CFS and DNA subcommittee.
Ignored by the majority as well
1 In direct response to this Court’s green light in People v Wesley
(83 NY2d 417 [1994]) for the introduction of DNA profile evidence after
it survived a Frye challenge similar to that raised here, in 1994, our
State Legislature preemptively established the independent CFS and its
DNA subcommittee (Executive Law § 995-b). These entities are charged
with accreditation and regulation of DNA laboratories and personnel and
full vetting of the DNA testing tools at issue – requiring them
to establish minimum standards for program accreditation, forensic laboratory
personnel and performance of forensic DNA methodologies, all of which
shall be designed to “ensure that forensic analyses, including
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is OCME’s reliance on the guidelines of the Scientific Working Group
on DNA Analysis Methods (SWGDAM) – a group of federal, state and
local scientists representing forensic DNA laboratories that meets under
the FBI’s guidance and proposes and recommends revisions to the
FBI’s Quality Assurance Standards (QAS) for DNA analysis –
in performing its validation studies2 (United States v Morgan, 53 F Supp
3d 732, 737-738 n 6 [SD NY 2014], affd 675 Fed Appx 53 [2d Cir 2017],
cert denied 138 S Ct 176 [2017]). OCME’s adherence to the national
QAS, and the approval of those studies by CFS, demonstrates the rigorous
nature of OCME’s validation process and should not be simply
forensic DNA testing, are performed in accordance with the highest scientific
standards practicable” (Executive Law § 995-b [1], [2] [a],
[2] [b]). DNA subcommittee members are appointed from a cross-section
of the relevant scientific disciplines, including molecular biology, population
genetics, laboratory standards, quality assurance regulation and monitoring
and forensic science (id. at § 995-b [13]). Hardly an “insular”
or “narrow class of reviewers” (majority op. at 17, 18), the
DNA subcommittee consists of “world- class scientists in various
disciplines relevant to DNA analysis” (People v Carter, 50 Misc
3d 1210[A], 2016 NY Slip Op 50067[U], *13 [Sup Ct, Queens County 2016],
quoting People v Collins, 49 Misc 3d 595, 612 [Sup Ct, Kings County 2015];
see also United States v Jones, 2018 WL 2684101, *4, 2018 US Dist LEXIS
94791, *9 [SD NY, Jun. 5, 2018, S4 15-CR-153 (VSB)] [DNA subcommittee
consists of a group of “well-known,” “respected”
and “distinguished experts” in the field of DNA analysis];
Letter from St Health Dept, July 25, 1994, Bill Jacket, L 1994, ch 737
[involvement of scientists and geneticists with expertise in DNA technology
on DNA subcommittee “will enhance the effectiveness and accuracy
of DNA tests performed by state and local forensic laboratories”]).
The statute also contains strict parameters for laboratory accreditation
by the DNA subcommittee, including minimum levels of proficiency testing,
inspections, quality assurance, validation procedures and corrective action
(see Executive Law § 995-b [3]).
2 Dr. Budowle was the former chair of SWGDAM and one of the original architects
of CODIS (see Collins, 49 Misc 3d at 608).
- 4 -
discounted by a court as only an “insular endorsement” of
the subject test methodologies
evidence, weighs heavily in favor of finding that the subject DNA testing
methodologies themselves were scientifically accepted by the relevant
community, of particular concern here is whether OCME’s interpretation
protocols encompassed the proffered test results, as the DNA sample sizes
appear to have fallen outside validated parameters. To be sure, the parties
did not dispute that LCN DNA testing essentially replicates the procedures
used in the well-accepted Polymerase Chain Reaction Short Tandem Repeat
(PCR/STR) process and that it includes three additional PCR amplification
cycles to account for the use of smaller DNA sample sizes. It was also
undisputed that increased PCR amplification cycles increase the risk of
stochastic effects and allelic dropout when low copy mixture samples are
used, thereby affecting the DNA typing profiles. The People alleged, though,
that OCME accounted for these known effects in its conservative interpretation
protocols and
3 In DWI prosecutions, for example, a breathalyzer test result is scientific
evidence that is admissible at trial without expert testimony on its general
acceptance where the evidence is created by technologies regulated by
state agencies (see e.g. People v Boscic, 15 NY3d 494, 497-500 [2010]
[results of breath alcohol detection machines, which are regulated, evaluated
and approved by DOH, have long been considered scientifically reliable];
see also People v Hampe, 181 AD2d 238, 240 [3d Dept 1992]).
4 The majority relies heavily on the criticisms of LCN and FST contained
in the numerous articles proffered by the defense (see majority op. at
6-7). Although the majority claims the articles identify disputes as to
the underlying scientific methods of LCN and FST per se, closer inspection
reveals they do not support such a broad rejection of those techniques.
Instead, they sound the alarm that the use of these techniques with smaller
DNA samples
(majority op. at 17).
Despite my view that CFS certification, in the absence of countervailing empirical
conducted extensive validation studies on known DNA samples to prove their
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The crux of the dispute among scientists pertains to the precise manner
in which they translated the results of their studies into protocols to
account for stochastic effects (see Collins, 49 Misc 3d at 605). As one
commentator has explained, “[t]he issue is not whether the tools
by which LCN testing is undertaken are identical to those for conventional
STR testing, but rather whether the methodology and protocols have been
validated for low levels of DNA” (Faigman et al., 4 Modern Scientific
Evidence: The Law and Science of Expert Testimony § 30:32 at n 19
[2019-2020 ed]). Thus, the People had the burden to demonstrate that the
interpretation of the DNA typing profiles derived from increased amplification
of the DNA sample was admissible because it was appropriately derived
using OCME’s protocols.
and increased amplification cycles lead to increased stochastic effects
– no surprise. However, none of the articles address the fact that
OCME accounted for those stochastic effects in developing interpretation
protocols after running thousands of validations studies in accordance
with SWGDAM guidelines, and none offer contrary empirical proof discounting
the interpretation protocols adopted by OCME. Indeed, studied review of
the nine attachments reveals that, far from providing a “chorus
of . . . scholarly voices . . . sounding suspicion with respect to the
LCN methodology” (majority op. at 16), a number of the annexed writings
are not appropriately considered in this context at all. Fundamentally,
in evaluating the positions advanced by scientists, we must ensure that
their opinions are supported by empirical data. In a case like this one,
where the underlying PCR/STR technology was already scientifically accepted
for certain uses, it was necessary to inquire whether the scientists attempting
to stretch its use to new applications, and those who were disputing the
reliability of such use, could back up their positions with empirical
proof. Most importantly, none of the articles annexed to defendant’s
papers addressed the import of the external validation of OCME’s
use of LCN by the CFS and DNA subcommittee and SWGDAM, including through
oversight, approvals and regulation. Indeed, careful attention must be
paid to the exact procedures the articles address, as “LCN”
has been used to describe various types of high-sensitivity testing, including
one type using 34 PCR amplification cycles, and in various settings, including
commercial laboratories that are not regulated in the same manner or with
the same rigor as the processes certified for OCME’s use.
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It is not clear whether, in 2014, OCME’s extensive empirical studies
supporting its interpretation protocols to account for stochastic effects
and allelic dropout in the LCN DNA typing had been validated and consequently
approved by CFS for multiple contributor samples falling below what appears
to have been – according to the People’s own submissions –
a 25 picogram threshold. That floor was not met on one of the samples
here, as only 17.2 picograms of DNA was recovered from the gun trigger
swab. An interrelated concern existed as to the range of the validation
studies for OCME’s interpretation protocols as to LCN DNA multiple
contributor samples consisting of two or more unknown contributors. Accordingly,
an important focus for the Frye court was to determine whether the interpretation
protocols to account for stochastic effects and allelic dropout on LCN
DNA samples were properly utilized in analyzing the particular DNA mixture
samples in this case. A Frye hearing was needed to resolve these disputes.
As for FST, CFS approved that software program for OCME’s use in
analyzing DNA mixtures in July 2011, and the first report generated in
this case by the FST was issued the same month, making it “possible,”
as OCME’s witness testified at trial, that defendant’s first
FST report was one of the first that OCME had ever issued for use in a
criminal case. At the time of the motions, use of probability ratios to
explain the results of DNA typing evidence by use of Bayesian mathematical
principles was not uncommon, and “[t]he validity of the math in
the probability analysis underlying the FST software” was not in
issue (Collins, 49 Misc 3d at 601). However, OCME’s newly minted
proprietary software had not been shared publicly, and defendant reasonably
complained that there was
“no basis on which the external forensic DNA community [was] capable
of determining -6-
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whether OCME’s methodology and procedures are adequate to assure
the reliability and the accuracy of the results” relating to this
defendant. The LCN DNA profiles drive the FST analysis, and FST results
are only as reliable as the predicate assumptions integrated into the
FST software program. The People did not meet their burden of establishing
the validity of the empirical data used to fuel the calculations performed
by this statistical model, including the manner of accounting for the
occurrence of the stochastic effect and allelic dropout in a multiple
contributor sample of less than 25 picograms, in a manner sufficient to
bypass a Frye hearing. Fundamentally, the combined use of that statistical
tool with DNA typing on samples that fell beneath validated thresholds
may have impacted the reliability of the results, raising a valid challenge
to the admissibility of that evidence in a criminal prosecution.
When sufficiently challenged, a laboratory’s validation studies,
conducted at the nascent stages for the acceptability of the scientific
methodology, require a Frye court to answer the admissibility inquiry
with more than “unanalyzed, rote reliance” on the conclusions
of the initial decisions of other courts (United States v Wilbern, 2019
WL 5204829, *4, 2019 US Dist LEXIS 152353, *9 [WD NY Oct 16, 2019, 17-CR-6017
CJS]). At a minimum, an independent review of the underlying factual support
for the previously litigated competing positions was warranted (see Wilbern,
2019 WL 5204829, *3, 2019 US Dist LEXIS 152353, *7, citing Morgan, 675
Fed Appx at 54-56; Jones, 2018 WL 2684101, *7, 2018 US Dist LEXIS 94791,
*19). Since a more thorough inquiry as identified above was warranted
at the time of defendant’s motions, complete deference to
the decisions in People v Megnath (27 Misc 3d 405 [Sup Ct, Queens County
2010]) and -7-
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People v Rodriguez (Sup Ct, NY County, Oct. 24, 2013, Carruthers, J.,
indictment No. 5471/2009) was not an appropriate substitute for the more
critical analysis of the LCN and FST evidence that should have been undertaken
in a Frye hearing (see People v Jeter, 80 NY2d 818, 820-21 [1992]). Nonetheless,
I cannot join the unfair characterization of the court’s analysis
in Megnath as “questionable” (majority op. at 14), given that
we have before us neither the Frye hearing transcript nor the underlying
arguments of the parties,
for more scrutiny based upon actual evidence and to determine if the so-called
“organized skepticism” (majority op. at 12)6 was even predicated
on validated empirical data. Despite
5 The courts in Megnath and Collins conducted Frye hearings to address
the same narrow issue that warranted a Frye hearing in this case –
whether OCME’s protocols to account for and interpret increased
stochastic effects and allelic dropout arising from additional amplification
cycles of LCN DNA samples were scientifically reliable. Those courts reached
opposite conclusions, based largely on the value each court gave to OCME’s
validation studies and certification by the CFS. The Collins court did
“not seek to state whether the People were correct” that “OCME’s
protocols create conservative interpretations of the test data and ensure
trustworthy and sound scientific conclusions” (49 Misc 3d at 605).
It opted instead to consider whether the relevant scientific community
generally accepts the OCME protocols and further held, with respect to
CFS approval, “that no state subcommittee can be equated with the
general membership of the relevant scientific community” (49 Misc
3d at 613). By contrast, Megnath found that OCME’s validation studies
“were reviewed by the DNA subcommittee of the [CFS] and were implicitly
found to be scientifically reliable and reproducible” and concluded
that “OCME has properly developed interpretation protocols for LCN
DNA testing based upon its extensive validation studies and that when
correctly performed these protocols consistently yield reliable and reproduceable
results” (27 Misc 3d at 408, 411).
6 Although it has been stated that “‘[t]he Frye test emphasizes
“counting scientists” votes, rather than on verifying the
soundness of a scientific conclusion’” (Wesley, 83 NY2d at
439 [Kaye, Ch. J., concurring], quoting Jones v United States, 548 A2d
35, 42 [DC Cir 1988]; see also Parker v Mobil Oil Corp., 7 NY3d 434, 447
[2006]), that paradigm
which certainly framed the issues for that court.
The issue before the trial court warranted a Frye hearing to afford an
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the error in denying the Frye hearing, I concur in the majority’s
affirmance of the judgment on the ground of harmless error, as the evidence
of defendant’s use of the handgun involved in the murder –
including defendant’s own trial testimony admitting he shot the
victim in addition to the proof cited by the majority – was overwhelming.
Order affirmed. Opinion by Judge Fahey. Judges Rivera, Stein, and Wilson
concur. Chief Judge DiFiore concurs in result in an opinion in which Judges
Garcia and Feinman concur.
Decided March 31, 2020
incorrectly suggests that whether a Frye hearing is required will depend
on the mere number of voices disputing the efficacy of a particular scientific
methodology. Such a proposition is not consistent with the axiom that
reproducibility is the linchpin of a reliable methodology. The more exact
inquiry should be whether the dissenting voices are from scientists who
have empirical proof to refute the validated empirical evidence and thus
substantiate their competing hypotheses.