Grand central Exposure / lewdness charges dismissed for businessman living in another state
Our client reached out for help because he was arrested and given a desk appearance ticket for lewdness and exposure in Manhattan following an incident in a bathroom inside Grand Central Station. He explained that following his arrest, the NYPD had him write out a written confession which he signed and dated. Hecontacted us for help. We appeared in court with him at the arraignment and entered a not guilty plea despite the prosecutor announcing in open court that our client had confessed. We fought the charges largely on the grounds that it was unfair to use his confession against him and that there wasn’t proof beyond a reasonable doubt and that our client’s constitutional rights had been violated during his warrantless arrest. After a few months of litigation, we were able to secure a deal to have the criminal charges dropped and our client pled guilty to only to disorderly conduct with community service but no jail, no criminal record, and no probation and we were able to appear in court for our client occasionally due to the fact that he lived over a thousand miles away.