Penn Station Exposure / lewdness charges dismissed for international student
Our client was arrested after an undercover police officer allegedly saw him with another person, inside a bathroom in Penn Station, masturbating next to each other and attempting to involve the undercover officer. The offer claimed that he was able to see this very clearly because the officer was only a few inches away and not wearing anything that would have indicated that he was a police officer. After being arrested, our client allegedly made a partial confession and was released with a desk appearance ticket charging him with public lewdness, PL 245.00(a) and exposure of a person, PL 245.01. During the case evaluation, our client discussed his concerns that conviction could lead to up to a year in jail and immigration consequences. We discussed ways to fight the charges and fight to get them reduced if dismissal was not possible and that we could always fight it to trial if necessary. After battling the charges in court for a few months, we worked out a very good deal where the case would be completely dismissed as long as our client promised to not be arrested for 6 months and also complete some community service. There would be no criminal record, no sex offender program, and no jail.